My friend, Life is what you make out of it.

“It’s Just This Crazy Illusion You Create And Destroy With The Will To Be And To Have”
Life Is Beautiful And So Is Your Heart, Connect Them Don’t Just Beat Though It.

Obviously What Makes Me So Special About Myself?
Well I Believe In ME . And Soon Will YOU ; Because It’s A Happy Life Today, Tomorrow And Forever. It’s Your State Of Thought That Doubts It. Kill It. Break Free It. Awesomeness Will Roll Down Your Leg. :’)

Collect Moments And Not Things. Life Has Its Own Miracles, Its Own Taste Of Sugar, Taste Them And Be With Them And Smile Because It‘s Worth A Million Dollars And It Costs Nothing.

A Wallet Can Be Empty Or Full , Will Not Matter Much.
A Heart Full Of Feelings Will Never Eat Itself Down.
Think Wise About Spreading Love And Happiness , Stop Being A Moron Of Tiredness .

I Have No Clue Why Would I Say This To You But “Go For It.” Just Make The Jump, Feel The Air Beneath Your Legs, Believe You Can Fly And Then Get On An Aeroplane.

Believe And You Can Make It Possible . Imagination Is Crazy But It’s the Reason An Aeroplane Was Made.